Archives for Sellers

Springtime Energy-Saving Tips

As we welcome the arrival of spring, many of us may be thinking of ways to reduce our energy usage while still maintaining a comfortable home environment. With warmer temperatures on the horizon, it’s important to take the appropriate steps to ensure that our energy bills don’t skyrocket as we use more air conditioning and other appliances.

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Property Maintenance Tips for This Spring

Spring is finally here, and with it comes the ideal opportunity to revitalize your property after the harsh winter months.Taking care of your property is essential to ensure that it stays in tip top condition for as long as possible. From smaller tasks to larger upgrades, there are plenty of projects you can undergo to …

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Make Your Curb Appeal Pop This Winter

Now that it’s wintertime, real estate transactions will have slowed down. Although homes may not be selling as quickly or frequently as they were in recent months, that doesn’t mean that you should abandon your curb appeal and wait again until spring. Oftentimes, buyers will use the winter months to explore what’s still on the …

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What to Consider in a Summer Real Estate Market

Now that we’re past spring and well into summer, does that mean that you should wait until next year to explore the real estate market? Not necessarily. Although it’s generally acknowledged that the spring months are the prime time for the real estate market, that doesn’t mean it’s the only time you’re able to buy …

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10 Reasons to work with a Full-Service Brokerage!

Benefits You Can’t Deny Buying and selling real estate is a big decision that can make you feel all the feels. Whether it’s your first home purchase, or you’re selling your family home of 30 years, the significance makes the experience that much more sentimental. Coupling the emotional aspect of real estate with the fact …

10 Reasons to work with a Full-Service Brokerage! Read More »

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Real Estate 101: 6 Terms Every Seller Should Know

Congratulations – you’ve made the decision to sell your home! All of a sudden, you’re hit with a wave of unknown real estate terms. As a seller, you should have knowledge of commonly used real estate terms related to selling your home. Here’s a handful of terms with which to familiarize yourself!

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Pride of Ownership

“Pride of ownership” is a real estate term that is often used to describe certain listings. But what exactly does it mean and how is it achieved? Let’s dive in.

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Hopping Off The Fence: Why Listing Your Home This Fall Is A Win!

If you have been waiting around for the perfect conditions to sell your home, now is the time! While fall is typically second in line for favourable selling seasons, the market in Kelowna proves advantageous for those looking to list. Here’s why you should hammer down that “For Sale” sign soon.

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